Sunday, November 29, 2009

My Life Goes Like...

Life is so crazy! I feel like i'm always running around doing something while I'm falling behind on something else! Thanksgiving was a super nice break from the usual hectic schedule. All of my mom's family came down this year so we had a full house but it was so fun to see everyone. And of course the non stop eating from Thursday to Saturday :) Mara was only able to stay for a little but it was so good to catch up with her and do all our usual traditions such as sleepovers and Top 20 Countdown marathons! I was sad she had to leave... I wish she could just stay home for permanent! I am definitely feeling the Sunday night blues and dreading school in the morning... however it will come no matter what. I can't believe i'm already this far into my Senior year. It is going by so fast and has been so fun! I'm going to have to start making some decisions for my future here pretty soon. It kinda makes me sick to think about it... I just need to remember to live in the moment! Oh, speaking of, I am officially a manager of the boys basketball team so that should be exciting! Life just keeps going whether I'm ready or not! Thank goodness I have the new Carrie Underwood cd to be the sound track :)

Monday, October 26, 2009


S80's- yes it says Sadies. Also that was the theme- Sadies in the 80's! Isn't that cute! Well another successful dance has come and gone. First off, I went with Russell Stewart! It was an abosolute blast, with the best people doing crazy fun things! For our day date we went up to Jessica's Cabin. That is where we got in our Paint Fight, which is how we went to the dance, covered in paint! We split up into teams, each team had a different color and then we pretty much just went nuts! It was so fun, and our goal of being covered in paint was completed. The rest of the afternoon was filled with 4-wheeling, Apples to Apples, Curses, Fooseball, Ping-Pong, and Pool (which of course me and Russell dominated at!) We returned the boys to their humble aboads, went and got ready for the dance (keep in mind we didn't shower- still splattered with paint), and then picked them up for Dinner. Oh! We caravaned in Saryn's humungous 10 pass van and Jess' suburban which was so fun so we could all be together! Dinner was out at Kennlyn's house and it was so yummy! Dutch oven potatoes, chicken.. you name it! Then we headed out to the dance, yes, we were the very first ones there! Needless to say we got our pictures first and done quick which was way nice. Danced the night away... Then. We went out to my farm and watched Disturbia on top off a haystack! We had a projector, speakers, the whole nine yards! It was a blast! A little cold but that just provided a good excuse for some couples to cuddle ;) Over all I would rate a 10! Definitely one of the best dances I've been to!

My Date :)

My Team- of course we won ;)

All the darling girls!-My arm looks like it's a tattoo sleeve

Our boys- their dorks. This is how they wanted their picture...

The whole big happy group! :)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

It's a Witchapalooza!

Well UEA is at it's end.. It has been super super fun and definitely much needed! On Wednesday Me and a group of friends went down to the football game in Hurricane which was way fun but a lousy game sadly.. then on Thursday we just bumbed around and went oatmealing and such :) Then on Friday we left for the big SLC for a wiley women witchapalooza weekend! All the girls on my mom's side of the family stayed in a hotel and went shopping and stuff and of course the main event Witchapalooza! It is a dinner play about witches so obviously it called for some wicked witch costumes! It is up at Gardner's Village and everyone dresses up as well. Super fun and got me in the Halloween spirit! Oh haha we called ourselves the Gardner's Village princesses because you would have thought we were at Disneyland. 3 different groups asked to take a picture with us! haha we found it qutie humerous. Well, one more day of freedom... who knows what it will consist of. Life is absolutely fantastic! I am really excited for Sadies ( ps I'm going with Russell Stewart) our group chuck full of super fun people! Just lovin' every day! :)

Sorry the uploading of pictures wasn't working for some reason... Witchy pics to come soon!

Sunday, September 20, 2009


My very last homecoming ever at Cedar High is now complete. It was quite the week thats for sure! Dress up days, spirit nights, royalty assembly, the big game, and of course the dance. But it would be completely unthinkable for the teachers to ease up the slightest bit. It seemed like this week was insanly busy and almost everyday there was something that didn't get done that should have. But it was definitely a memorable week! I was part of the skit for Spirit Night to represent softball so that was fun! Then the Big Game. We played Pine View and ended up losing 26-28. Which we actually played pretty good I thought we were going to get creamed but our boys represented! Then of course Homecoming. I went with Jared Weaver to the dance and had a really good time. For the day date we played on a huge slip n' slip (tarp) ate lunch and played some games. It was really fun to have some close friends in the group which made it alot better! We ate dinner at Jared's house, it was delicious then headed out to dance in the rain. Thank heavens it only sprinkled a little :) Nae and Dot stopped by before he came and picked me up. Thanks so much girls, you two are so darling! It definitely calmed the mood of the usual stressfull, screaming minutes before departure :) Overall it was such a good week and I made alot of memories! I can't believe it is my last,.... well that is, till college!!! I Love CHS!!

Homecoming Game! Christi and Me :)

The HUGE slip n' slide! so fun!

The cutest girls and most amazing friends! Oh p.s. I feel like my hair is saying

Thank you very much for the country music award (Miss Congenitality anyone?)

and don't worry this is after I tried to tame it.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Bounteous Blessings- Too Many to Count!

Well, my dearest friend Lynae Lewis has got me thinking about my blessings lately. She is so darling and is always writing what she is thankful for on her blog or she even has a white board in her room for what she is thankful for each day. Such a good example, she is so amazing. So, I realized I don't often express what I am grateful for so today is the start of something new! (no that was not supposed to be a quote from HSM although I did start singing the song in my head ;)) anywho, I am so extremely blessed I feel so spoiled sometimes. I am so grateful for the most supportive, amazing family that is so strong in the gospel and loves me no matter what. Along with that I am so grateful for my relationship with each of my siblings and my parents. I am very thankful for the most fabulous friends in the world who make me laugh and are always there to listen to me vent. We have so many fantastic memories and make more daily. I am blessed with a healthy body, for the most part, that lets me participate in sports and live life to the fullest. I'm extremely grateful for a testimony of the Gospel and of my Savior Jesus Christ, it honestly gets me through each and every day and continues to make me the person I am today. I am also thankful for my material blessings like a house, Rhonda, food, clothes, technology.... I'm so grateful for the opportunity to get an eductaion, although at sometimes like monday mornings I don't always appreciate it... I am so Blessed. It's kind of crazy. Now it is just my personal challenge to realize something new each day. Oh also I am so thankful for Lynae who got me thinking about it in the first place :)

Monday, August 17, 2009

So Long Sweet Summer....

Well it's official. I'm all registered and ready to be a Senior at Cedar High school. Well, I don't know if I'm ready but I guess it's coming no matter what! Thursday is going to come waaaay to soon, but if my senior year goes by as fast as my junior then it will be over before I know it! I'm kinda nervous... I have some big decisions coming up pretty soon but at least I have one more precious year of high school. I'm really sad to say good bye to summer... it has been the BEST! S'more nights, Lagoon trip, sleepovers, fro cho runs, letter parties, luaus... wow SO FUN!!!! Things have definitely changed over the summer but hey what's life without a little change? And I know that, that change is not over... which leaves me on my toes but I guess as long as I keep a smile on my face life will continue to be great, right? Well, here come more memories just waiting to be made. Bring 'em on!!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Martin's Cove Handcart Trek

Well I just returned from the trek to Martin's Cove, Wyoming! It was such an amazing experience! I made me so grateful for the blessing I have and even for my trials, they seem so small in comparison to what the pioneers had to go through. I'm not sure I would have been able to do it, it took an imense amount of faith. I often have wondered why Heavenly Father didn't spare them a little more and make it a little easier, but I came to the realization that he did. No normal human being could have made it to the Salt Lake Valley alive if it wasn't for a higher power looking over them. I was able to trek for Elisabeth Whitear Sermon who is my great great great aunt. She was simply amazing. Her husband died during their journey and she had five kids to take care of and make sure arrived to the Valley alive. They lived off of 4 ounces of flour a day. I literally can't even imagine. She cut parts of her childrens feet off because they were so frozen, her strength was incredible. We walked a total of about 27 miles in three days while pulling handcarts. I was able to go into Martin's Cove, cross the Sweetwater River, and pull a handcart without and boys and only my sisters and ma, which was called the Women's Pull. It was so awesome and made me appreciate my ancestors so much more. Without their faith and perserverence I wouldn't be where I am today... They made this life possible for me and I am so blessed.

All of my "brothers" pulling us the last little way :)

Me and Ethan in Martin's Cove- our ancestors were there together

Me and Tanisha made a mean pulling team during the Women's Pull

Me and Ethan crossing the Sweetwater. Originally his great great great grandpa carried my aunt across the river- literally saving her life.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sister Weekend!

Well before I get started into the weekend, on Tuesday I went on a spontaneous Lagoon trip with Alex Jones and Fry! It was a blast! On Monday night, quite spur of the moment, we came up with the fabulous idea to hit the park for a day! Surprisingly enough all of our parents agreed to the day trip and let us go! I must admit I was quick shocked at how willing they were to let us go with no adults. Any who it was yet another awesome summer memory made! Now on to the weekend! While my parents were out of town I went to spend a few days with my best friend Mara! I can't even explain how much fun it was! I got a little sneak peak at college life with roomates and the lifestyle. Lets just say I can't wait! When I got there on Thursday night we started the trip off with a little visit to YoZone ( a scrumptous frozen yogurt place) and talked the night away. On Friday we went to a George Strait concert!!! It was absolutely amazing! It made almost melting away while waiting in line all worth it! Juliana Hough was the opening act and then Blake Shelton was the next act. They were really good but lets get real they just couldn't compare to George. I knew so many of his songs because his music was pretty much the sound track of my childhood. He is just simply amazing! Also, it was my first official concert! After the concert we were all hungery so we went to Denny's at like 1 AM and met 3 random boys from Cali who made us sit with them. It was fun but so weird, also if Denny's makes you sick in the morning you should try it in the middle of the night.... On Saturday while Mar worked I shopped and then we went to her apt and did glitter toes then went to dinner and visited the Gparents. On Sunday I got my first look at a Singles Ward... wow they really are like on the movie... It was such a splendid weekend! I love my sister sooo much she is the best!

Sisters by fate Best Friends by choice

One of my favorite songs :)

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Week of Liberty and Freedom!

Looking back on this past week I have realized a am quite a free person with quite a few liberties I over look! Starting on Monday the parentals let me drive down to the lake with Fry, Alex Jones, and Bean to soak up some Vitamin D. We lounged around on rafts (the ones that actually worked) and had a cute little picnic! It was quite fabulous! Later on in the week we had our A-merican or third of July party hosted by Lynae for which my parents let me ditch out on camping and come home. It was so fun, we had a BBQ (what is the fourth, or third in our case, without some hamburgers or hotdogs, chips, and potatoe salad?) followed by a few rounds of Mafia,(a new fav), and Fireworks provided by the boys. After the hit came to an end, I was home alone so of course we had a sleepover! How can you go wrong with orange julius, homemade chocolate chip cookies, and popcorn at 2 in the morn? We stayed up late talking about everything under the sun and just having a good ole time! In the morning I went back up the mountain to spend the fourth with the fam of course followed by fireworks that evening! I really am so blessed to live in such an amazing country with amazing friends and family where the sky is the limit on what I can accomplish! Freedom in many senses is amazing!

Picnicin it up!

I think only one of the rafts out there stayed blown up...oops!

Just waitin' for the boys so we can eat!

Ammon's professional picture taking... right.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


alright, alright, alright alright alright hey! (clapping) E F Y!! Yes I just returned from the wondrous epecially for youth at BYU! It was such a fun week, always is. We had a really small session like 300 people so that was kind of different but fun at the same time as we were able to get to know people better. We stayed in the Riv (Riviera) which was new but actually turned out to be really good. Exept for the part of not having toliet paper, a trash can, or soap. Somehow we seemed to manage. No worries we did hunt down the essentials- after all a week is a really long time! We ate at the Cannon Center which has absolutely delicious food! (quite different from the Morris Center- school lunch style) The only draw back was we had to hike like 2 miles to meet our boys everyday. Which actually turned out to be a blessing because we burned off all the calories we gorged our faces with every meal. Our Counselor was super cute, her name was Morgan she is 20 years old and was really chill and funny. We had 8 girls and 16 boys in our company which was definitely an added bonus! Our girls were really nice however I think me and Rachel were the most normal :p. Our favorite boys were three cousins that were absolutely hilarious and quite cute as well! Of course I had a COW (crush of the week) his name was Josh- one of the three cousins. I also felt the spirit so strong this week it was amazing and I am still on the spiritual high, I need to try and hold on to it as long as possible. Here are a few pics and a crazy video of our companies favorite Wa game! Best week of my life!
Oh ps our boys were darling and on Friday before the the dance they sang us the L.O.V.E. song from parent trap and gave us yellow roses! After we sang a new rendition of I'm Yours and gave them Big Hunks! Priceless!

Service Project! Cheesin it up!

Our favorite sign! Yes, we walked right by it everyday a few times
"I'm trying hard to grow... so please don't walk on me!"

The whole company- "until the end"

The three cousins- Andrew, Josh, and Thomas
plus Conrad who decided to be annoying once again...

The Beanlet and I! Love her- best roomie!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Starting the Summer of Right- Lake Trip!!!

Well what better way to commemorate the beginning of summer than a boating trip with friends? On Saturday my dad took a bunch of us girls boating down in Sand Hollow! Of course any time our group of girls get together we have a blast and make many memories but this trip was quite the adventure! There were tons of people at the lake which was kinda crazy but some of the girls got to ski for their frist time or simply ride on a boat for the first time! We had a cute little picnic and then boated for a while more. After treking through the deep sand to Rhonda we were set to go. Notice I said deep sand... so when I was flipping a U-ie to leave we got stuck in the sand! Like really stuck in the deep sand! Feeling quite stupid and embarassed, the girls got out and tried to push her out but she wasn't budging. A minute later the rangers came and said they couldn't help us because of liability reasons. yeah. lame. Soon to our surprise men of all ages and looks flocked to help us ha ha we just kept telling them yes we needed help so like 5 guys went to get their trucks... oops! Then a guy stopped to help us in a big ford and got stuck as well! Yeah, felt pretty bad... however, in the passengers seat was quite a very fine young man who got out to help! Bonus! Then, another guy came to pull us out which he did successfully! Not to mention the hot mystery man was the driver of Rhonda while she was being pulled out! Things all turned out good thank heavens for kind men! Once we got on our way, we had two cars that needed to be driven home so Lynae drove Rhonda. Rhonda has broken wind shield wippers at the moment so of course it had to rain! Like huge buckets! Yes, I could have easily killed my friends. They couldn't see anything but luckily got pulled off to the side of the freeway and we all pilled into the Honda. It was such a fun trip with many memories thats for sure!!!

School's Out for Summer!

Well school is officially out for the year! I can't believe it, I don't think it's quite hit me yet... The last week flew by as it was filled with signing yearbook frenzies and last minute memories. Just a litte over view of the last week: Monday was just a usual day filled with school and friends! Tuesday holds the title of one of the firsts for me (fry you will know what I mean) that involved a little rebellion and the park, later that night a bunch of us went and chilled at Park Discovery. Yes, throughout this post you will notice a new fetish for the park. On Wednesday we got out Yearbooks and the end started to sink in. That night some friends came over and we had an Idol party fully equipped with chocolate fountain! Thrusday whoorled by with the last day of school activites including going to the park, after we went to Costa and then shopping for a bit. That night we went to Kelci's surprise birthday party at the park where we played a little volleyball (a new fav) and got in an unevietable water fight coming to an end with a little missionary tag. After we cranked the bass in Rhonda and cruised to get a WCP (wild cherry pepsi) with Ammon and Cortlan. Oh and when I say "we" it is usually Fry and me, with others friends like Lynae, Alex Jones, Dorothy, Ammon, Becca, Bean, Q, and Cortlan. Friday was graduation day! Sad day! It definitely wasn't a highlight for me because so many of my friends graduated but I am very proud of all of them! Well that raps up the last little bit of school! Bring on the Summer memories!

Friday, May 8, 2009

School, AP tests, Softball, Friends, Family.... Life

Well first off a little update on school. We officially have 10 days of school left! Time really is flying and I have mixed emotions... I can't wait to be out of school but it's going to be a big change to have all my friends gradutate. It's bitter sweet and I don't think it will hit me until I see them walk through the C. This past week has been so busy and crazy with softball and the dreaded AP stats test! ugh... that was painful but its over now! There is only about a week and a half left of softball which is pretty crazy too but I kinda ready for a break. Well, also this week my family thought it would be cool to all go on vaca without me, which left me with a pretty bitter taste. Ha ha Mara was in the Big Apple and my mom went on a cruise with her Sisters! However, my mom comes home today and we are all still alive! It turns out its possible to live off of cold cereal for a week! My friends are so fabulous! There is no way I could make it through a week like I just have without them! Laughing is what makes life great and there is always plenty of that when we are together! The best part about being such close friends is being able to get over any little scuffel ( yes it is a word in my book) in like five minutes! Whether its boy drama, dance drama... you name it! Friendships, I think are one of the most important things in life and the way you know you have a great friend is when NOTHING can come in between you. I absolutely LOVE my friends! Thanks for all the memories so far Girls you rock!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Life as a Redmen

The days keep ticking away untill Summer Vacation! I am definitley ready for it to be here as I have developed what seems like an early case of senioritis... However I don't think I'm quite ready for this year to end because alot of my friends are graduating which is so crazy and I'm most definitely going to miss them! Junior year has rocked! I have had some hard classes that have challenged me and taken some time but my friends and the memories I will have are awesome! I am only taking the AP Stats test which I cross my fingers that I can pass and I will for sure get 7 College credits for History 1700 and Chem 1010! I think it's been the best year of High School so far! Time flies I can't believe I am going to be a Senior! School Days Left : 26!!!!

Easter Break!

My fam and I went down to stay in the condo in Vegas over the break! It was a blast! The first night we obviously had to hit up a buffet and then headed over the Belagio to watch the fountains. The next day we got up and did Baptisms for the Dead as a family at the Las Vegas Temple. It was awesome to have my whole family there and do it together. After we layed by the pool for a while and played some water volleyball and then headed off to shop! The next day we colored easter eggs and went to Fast Track Racing followed by a quick ride on the New York New York! It was a much needed vacation and an awesome way to spend spring break!

The Girls

Some of the people that I love and depend on the most are My Girls! We laugh at anything even if it's only half way funny and do things off the top of our heads. A common night would consist of cruisin' in my mini van named Rhonda-no she's not a honda- to Dairy Queen, where we always get Fro Chos, and then watching the best chick flick: 27 Dresses. We love to listen to songs over and over again and quote movies like crazy! My Friends are awesome and I love them so much!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Fam

My family is absoultely amazing! I have Two Big Brothers and One older Sister... so yes I am the baby and I most would probably say I'm pretty spoiled. My family is really close and my siblings are some of my best friends! We love to go camping, boating, to livestock shows, spend time at the farm, game nights... the list goes on and on. I love my Fam!

Accident Prone Once Again...

Well, it has officially been a week since I dislocated my knee cap at Softball at Deseret Hills. I did it in probably the lamest way possible- attempting to kick a softball across the dugout. I guess I thought I was playing soccer... who knows. Any way I heard a loud pop and dropped to the ground. I have been going to physical therapy which I'm not a huge fan of and am out for at least two weeks! I go to the doctor today so fingers crossed that nothing is torn! Wish me Luck!