My very last homecoming ever at Cedar High is now complete. It was quite the week thats for sure! Dress up days, spirit nights, royalty assembly, the big game, and of course the dance. But it would be completely unthinkable for the teachers to ease up the slightest bit. It seemed like this week was insanly busy and almost everyday there was something that didn't get done that should have. But it was definitely a memorable week! I was part of the skit for Spirit Night to represent softball so that was fun! Then the Big Game. We played Pine View and ended up losing 26-28. Which we actually played pretty good I thought we were going to get creamed but our boys represented! Then of course Homecoming. I went with Jared Weaver to the dance and had a really good time. For the day date we played on a huge slip n' slip (tarp) ate lunch and played some games. It was really fun to have some close friends in the group which made it alot better! We ate dinner at Jared's house, it was delicious then headed out to dance in the rain. Thank heavens it only sprinkled a little :) Nae and Dot stopped by before he came and picked me up. Thanks so much girls, you two are so darling! It definitely calmed the mood of the usual stressfull, screaming minutes before departure :) Overall it was such a good week and I made alot of memories! I can't believe it is my last,.... well that is, till college!!! I Love CHS!!
Homecoming Game! Christi and Me :)
The HUGE slip n' slide! so fun!
The cutest girls and most amazing friends! Oh p.s. I feel like my hair is saying
Thank you very much for the country music award (Miss Congenitality anyone?)
and don't worry this is after I tried to tame it.