Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Martin's Cove Handcart Trek

Well I just returned from the trek to Martin's Cove, Wyoming! It was such an amazing experience! I made me so grateful for the blessing I have and even for my trials, they seem so small in comparison to what the pioneers had to go through. I'm not sure I would have been able to do it, it took an imense amount of faith. I often have wondered why Heavenly Father didn't spare them a little more and make it a little easier, but I came to the realization that he did. No normal human being could have made it to the Salt Lake Valley alive if it wasn't for a higher power looking over them. I was able to trek for Elisabeth Whitear Sermon who is my great great great aunt. She was simply amazing. Her husband died during their journey and she had five kids to take care of and make sure arrived to the Valley alive. They lived off of 4 ounces of flour a day. I literally can't even imagine. She cut parts of her childrens feet off because they were so frozen, her strength was incredible. We walked a total of about 27 miles in three days while pulling handcarts. I was able to go into Martin's Cove, cross the Sweetwater River, and pull a handcart without and boys and only my sisters and ma, which was called the Women's Pull. It was so awesome and made me appreciate my ancestors so much more. Without their faith and perserverence I wouldn't be where I am today... They made this life possible for me and I am so blessed.

All of my "brothers" pulling us the last little way :)

Me and Ethan in Martin's Cove- our ancestors were there together

Me and Tanisha made a mean pulling team during the Women's Pull

Me and Ethan crossing the Sweetwater. Originally his great great great grandpa carried my aunt across the river- literally saving her life.



cute blog!

it looks like the trek was incredible. what a neat experience.

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