Sunday, August 23, 2009

Bounteous Blessings- Too Many to Count!

Well, my dearest friend Lynae Lewis has got me thinking about my blessings lately. She is so darling and is always writing what she is thankful for on her blog or she even has a white board in her room for what she is thankful for each day. Such a good example, she is so amazing. So, I realized I don't often express what I am grateful for so today is the start of something new! (no that was not supposed to be a quote from HSM although I did start singing the song in my head ;)) anywho, I am so extremely blessed I feel so spoiled sometimes. I am so grateful for the most supportive, amazing family that is so strong in the gospel and loves me no matter what. Along with that I am so grateful for my relationship with each of my siblings and my parents. I am very thankful for the most fabulous friends in the world who make me laugh and are always there to listen to me vent. We have so many fantastic memories and make more daily. I am blessed with a healthy body, for the most part, that lets me participate in sports and live life to the fullest. I'm extremely grateful for a testimony of the Gospel and of my Savior Jesus Christ, it honestly gets me through each and every day and continues to make me the person I am today. I am also thankful for my material blessings like a house, Rhonda, food, clothes, technology.... I'm so grateful for the opportunity to get an eductaion, although at sometimes like monday mornings I don't always appreciate it... I am so Blessed. It's kind of crazy. Now it is just my personal challenge to realize something new each day. Oh also I am so thankful for Lynae who got me thinking about it in the first place :)


Lynae Bae

oh nat lee! I'm grateful for you too! you even had your own Blessing (white)Board day dedicated to you! thanks for being such a terrific friend :D

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